Våra förrädiska massmedia.

En av de väsentliga svagheterna i Iranförhandlingarna är att IAEA måste knacka på dörrn hos Iran när de kräver att få undersöka, och sen vänta 24 dagar så de hinner städa undan alla bevis.

Du kan läsa om det nedan men vid sökning på Google “24 dagar” fanns inte ett enda omnämnande i svenska massmedia, det handlade mest om julkalendern. Google hittade en kort not på norska, http://www.mediemix.no/detail/527235-Sjekker-atomanlegg-innan-tre-veker

Frankrike och andra deltagare i farsen sa innan att det var ett absolut krav att IAEA fick undersöka när de dehövde. Det är storheten hos stormakter. De har givit upp alla krav som var viktiga, och Rouhani gapflabbar. Det var ett antal stormakter som visade att de inte alls var stora utan de har nu lämnat över till Israel att försvara sin existens. Som vanligt.

Minister Bennett förklarade vikten av dessa 24 dagar på BBC och blev högeligen förolämpad.

Bennett Takes on Sneering BBC Anchor: Iran Deal is a Farce

In remarkably hostile interview, Education Minister Naftali Bennett exposes the gaping holes in Iran nuclear deal.

By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 7/14/2015, 8:45 PM

As reactions for and against the deal signed with Iran Tuesday morning continue to pour in, Israeli Education Minister and Jewish Home party head Naftali Bennett took Israel’s case against the deal to the international media.

In an interview with a notably hostile, even antagonistic BBC anchor, Bennett outlined perhaps the most glaring hole in the deal: the fact that Iran will receive nearly a month’s notice prior to any inspections of nuclear sites – ample time to hide evidence of illegal, bomb-making activity.

“Here’s the thing – in order to go and make an inspection, you have to notify the Iranians 24 days in advance. That’s a farce!” he said. “Of course within the 24 days they’re going to clean up the facility, get away with the inspections and continue with what they do.”

“Imagine a local police station raiding a drug baron and telling him a month in advance that we’re going to raid you,” Bennett challenged.

“You cannot have verifiable inspections if you have to notify them in advance, and then they can object, and then there’s a commitee – this is not serious!”

Bennett further noted that initially, world powers had made “surprise inspections” a deal-breaker, before quietly abandoning an apparently crucial demand.

“It was supposed to be surprise inspections – but there’s no surprise here any more!”

Deflecting attempts by his sneering interviewer to goad him – including an attempt to draw him on Israel’s own alleged nuclear weapons program – Bennett added that the deal was essentially a repeat performance of the failed diplomatic efforts to prevent North Korea from obtaining nuclear weapons.

“I’ll remind you that the West signed a deal with North Korea, said it would make the world a safer place, and of course all the words evaporated and North Korea acquired nuclear weapons. This is a rerun of North Korea.”

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